Colour Measurement

Colour is essential in many industrial fields, drawing attention of customers, conveying quality or representing a brand identity.

Colour measurement is essential for development, production and quality control in many industries, including automotive, paint, plastic, textiles, construction materials and food. 

Spectrophotometers measure subtle colour differences that human eyes cannot distinguish accurately, allowing producers to traceably specify, communicate, produce and approve the colour of products. Konica Minolta's measurement solutions help our customers to work accurateley and effectivley with colour, saving time, cutting waste and improving quality.

Benchtop Spectrophotometers

Portable Spectrophotometers

Chroma Meters

Colour Readers

Chlorophyll Meter

Software Colour and Appearance

CM-17d / CM-16d
CM-17d / CM-16d

Advanced portable spectrophotometer with charging dock and built in sample viewfinder camera*. Dual or single aperture model with modern UI and additional mounting points for cobot/system integration. The CM-17d series is the successor to the CM-700d and CM-600d, designed to provide excellent data continuity with the previous generation.


The SPAD-502Plus is a portable, non-destructive measuring device for the chlorophyll content of leaves widely used to optimise the timing and quantity of fertiliser to improve crop yields.

SpectraMagic™ NX2
SpectraMagic™ NX2

Next Generation Colour Data Software for QC colour and gloss measurement. Benefit from far greater reporting and customisation flexibility, management and control of data and time saving features like Job Mode, Instrument Check and QC Templates.

CR-10 Plus
CR-10 Plus

The CR-10 Plus is a simple colour reader, ideal for measuring colour difference between two samples. The instrument is a full colorimeter in compliance with DIN 5033.


The chroma meter CR-5 offers a fantastic price to performance ratio for colour QC measurement of solid, powder and liquid samples where spectral data is not necessary. Like the CM-5, the CR-5 can operate independently of a PC via a built in colour screen and measures using a top port that can measure samples either directly or in petri dishes.

CF-300 Spectrophotometer
CF-300 Spectrophotometer

The world-first non-contact, high speed spectrophotometer with 1mm measurement capability and up to 5 measurements a second for small parts or components. Can be configured vertically or horizontally and is system integration ready.

CM-26dG / CM-26d
CM-26dG / CM-26d

Portable spectrophotometer with d:8° geometry, a built in illuminated sample viewer window, large colour display and ambidextrous operation. Available both with and without integrated gloss sensor.

BC-10 Plus
BC-10 Plus

The BC-10 Plus provides straightforward colour information in Baking Contrast Units (BCU) and L*a*b* data to achieve the most appetising colour of baked products.

CM-36d / CM-36dG / CM-36dGV
CM-36d / CM-36dG / CM-36dGV

Innovative colour measurement system with the best price/performance ratio for reflectance and transmission colour measurements (transmission CM-36dG & CM-36dGV only). The first benchtop spectrophotometer with built-in 60 degree Gloss Sensor for simultaneous colour and gloss data.

CR-400 / CR-410
CR-400 / CR-410

The CR-400 and CR-410 colour measurement instruments with 8mm and 50mm measuring apertures that offer a cost effective solution for colour QC where spectral data is not required. The instruments can be operated connected to a PC, the data processor/printer unit or as an independent measurement head. They provide a straightforward measurement solution for virtually all solid/powder samples.


The CR-20 is a simple colour reader ideal for measuring absolute colour values and average colour values for a sample or batch. The instrument is a full colorimeter in compliance with DIN 5033.


Portable spectrophotometer with 45°c:0° geometry and 60°-gloss-sensor. Specified solution for automotive plastics, road markings and high visibility clothing.


An innovative Benchtop Spectrophotometer with user friendly features and a large onboard display. The CM-5 uses a user friendly top facing measurement port, facilitating easy sample preparation and presentation for solid samples and samples in petri dishes. It can also measure the colour of liquid and transparent samples.


The large aperture CR-410 chromameter with specially modified firmware and purpose designed sample holder is used to provide colour measurements of coffee at all stages of the production process using industry standard measurements.


The CR-410T is a specially modified CR-410 chromameter with firmware that provides data on tomato products to provide reliable colour data for raw tomato, sauce, paste, juice, ketchup, etc., making it ideal for procurement, goods in, production or the lab.